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Carol Nuñez

Sales and Rental Associate at Realty ONE Group Executive

Property Types

  • 27% Condo
  • 13% House
  • 13% Beach house
  • 47% Other

Property Status

  • 61% Active
  • 28% Sale
  • 11% Approval

Property Cities

  • 29% Alajuela
  • 14% Tarbaca
  • 14% Escazu
  • 43% Other

About Carol Nuñez

Carol Núñez is an outstanding professional in the real estate field. In 2021, she took a significant step in her career by starting as an independent real estate advisor. Her previous experience and extensive network of contacts in the industry have allowed her to establish herself quickly and provide personalized services focused on the specific needs of her clients. With a strong background in accounting, advertising, marketing, and administration, Carol has successfully developed efficient strategies for property marketing and promotion, maximizing exposure and achieving outstanding results. Her commitment to continuous improvement and staying updated with the latest trends in the real estate market has kept her at the forefront, offering quality services to her clients. Her extensive market knowledge and ability to identify investment opportunities have solidified her reputation as a trusted real estate advisor. As an entrepreneur and businesswoman, Carol Núñez stands out for her strategic vision and ability to spot growth opportunities. Her dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction has made her a reliable figure in the real estate market. She is committed to providing reliable and high-quality real estate advisory services, ensuring her clients achieve their goals and ensuring the success of every transaction. Carol Núñez’s passion for the real estate industry, combined with her experience and commitment to excellence, are key pillars in her career as a real estate advisor. Her goal is to continue growing and exceeding expectations, always delivering a first-class service to her clients

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